Tokenizing OTC with MBase


In this article, we want to share with you information about the MBase token and how it is related to the Marsbase infrastructure. This article explains why you will need the MBase token if you plan to use the Marsbase decentralized OTC desk.

All information on MBase IDO, where it will take place, the distribution and investment rounds details can be found in this article.


Marsbase is the world’s first DeFi OTC platform for over-the-counter trading of cryptocurrency assets. Here crypto whales (large investors) can buy and sell altcoins of any capitalization, and retail investors and usual traders can also participate in these transactions with any amount of money because the size of transactions here can be absolutely any.

We keep mentioning that the platform is created for retail investors, and is ideal for them. Retail investors are individuals who has medium to small trading budgets. In other words, these are ordinary people who want to properly manage their money and possibly earn some more. For them, Marsbase can be a very useful tool. This is because on Mars you can not only create OTC deals, acting as an offermaker, but also participate in deals, suggesting offermakers your own prices and conditions. That is to be a bidder.

Marsbase users do not lose money on slippage and price volatility, but, on the contrary, can earn some extra on favorable token prices.

Interested in learning more about OTC market and Marsbase? We have an excellent article with a detailed story about the project.

About the MBase token

MBase is used across the whole Marsbase ecosystem, and it is also a governance token that will give voting rights to Marsbase dOTC users.

MBase is a multi-chain DeFi OTC utility token of the Marsbase platform.

It acts as a fuel for OTC transactions and can be used in all platform modules: NFT and reputation upgrade, Ambassador and Referral programs, farming, staking and more.

The MBASE token can be used for the following purposes:

  • Get a discount off Marsbase fees
  • Receive a cashback of up to 50% from transactions
  • Buy and trade vested or usual NFT items
  • Manage your tokens speeding up or slowing down vesting period
  • Stake Mbase to increase your referral level
  • Increase holder bonus for staking MBase for longer time
  • Get access to the VIP OTC desk, private chats and channels
  • Pin your OTC deals higher in the offer list to attract more attention

MBase in staking. More income from passive income?

Staking of MBase tokens unlock even more possibilities of passive income. It is possible to stake MBase tokens, as well as Marsbase NFT cards and items. More on MBase NFT is in the upcoming articles.

Staking MBase tokens will get you an access to:

  • VIP OTC desk for bigger budgets
  • Holder bonuses for staking MBase for longer time (up to 900%)
  • Rewards for making deals via an invite link when staking in the Holder pool (from 5 to 15%)
  • More MBase and increased income from the referral program and team farming, cashback, discounts etc.
  • Voting for new features and projects that are accessed according to the DAO principle

How to get MBase

In addition to different sale rounds, MBase will be distributed and received through following activities:

  • Retrodrop
  • Farming and staking pools
  • Light Speed Pool for accelerated vesting period
  • Time machine vault for staking vNFT
  • MBase cashback from the Marsbase fees
  • Referral Program rewards

But right now we are launching the Seed round of MBase sale (Whale token sale).

📌 Submit an application to GET WHITELISTED

Whale Token sale. First round of the MBase private sale

The Whale Token Sale allocation is available for strategic investors, VC and funds. The initial investment volume ranges from $50,000 to $250,000 in USDT or ETH currency.

Participation in this first Mbase sale round secures biggest profits.

The Whale Token Sale (Seed Round) will take place in the second half of June and will run through SAFT documents, confirming the deal with Marsbase.

Terms and conditions

MBase tokens will initially be in BEP-20 format. In the future, we will move to cross-chain so other networks will also be available and the MBase token will become a multi-chain token bridged with other blockchains.

Whale round token price: $0.002
Allocation size: 1,250,000,000 MBase
Hard cap: $2,500,000
Vesting period: 24 months
Full lock (Cliff): 5 months from the IDO
Full unlock: 5 + 24 months
Unlock: Linear with daily claim
Start of Public sale: Approx. August 1, 2022

The minimum investment size to get into our whitelist starts from $50,000 — $250,000.

There will be a possibility to share and sell your vested allocation.

IDO and vesting

In case the MBase IDO is postponed all our Whale round investors will get additional bonus wrapped into an NFT. The following list describes the bonus size depending on the length of the delay.

1 month = +2% to the investment amount in MBase tokens wrapped in vesting NFT
2 months = +4%
3 months = +6%
4 months = +8%
5 months = +10% (maximum bonus)

In case the IDO delayed we will also proportionally reduce the cliff period.

How to get to the whitelist

You may find different banners on our website or the OTC desk app leading to the closed sale of MBase tokens.

Following those banners you will get to the Whitelist application form. Fill it in to secure yourself a share from the Whale token sale round allocation.

📌 Submit an application to get into this round.

  • Next, you will receive a confirmation letter that we’ve received your request.
  • Our team member will contact you within 3 days after that. Marsbase will provide you with the SAFT document that guarantees that after receiving the investment the company will provide you with the agreed amount of tokens.
  • You will need to carefully read the document and make sure every detail is indicated correctly. After that you may sign it and send it back to Marsbase employee together with the agreed amount of investment.
  • After making sure that Marsbase received you investment our manager will proceed with your request.
  • Within 3 to 4 weeks after the SAFT signature you will receive your MBase allocation wrapped into NFT.
  • By the end of June you will have an access to your Dashboard on Marsbase where you could see your NFT and its features.

Marsbase vesting NFT

The IDO price will start at $0.006 per token which means if you invest on the Whale round you get highest profits. On top of the profit you will make you will also receive the Marsbase NFT of a different kind.

We have created several NFT collections, which consist of different series of NFT cards. There are 3 collections with avatars, items or rovers. Each of them has a different artistic style, utilitarian value and is intended for a different segment of the audience.

Depending on the amount you are willing to invest on the Whale round you will get Bronze, Silver or Golden NFT. The higher the NFT level the more rewards and additional income you will get as soon as we launch our Marsbase referral program.

Until then, don’t miss your chance to buy MBase at the lowest price possible!

📌 Submit an application to BUY Mbase for $0.002 on the Whale round!

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