MBASE Tokenomics


In this article, you will find all information on MBase IDO, where it will take place, the distribution and investment rounds details.

Information about the MBase token, how it is connected to the Marsbase infrastructure, why you need it if you plan to make transactions on the Marsbase decentralized OTC desk is presented in this article.


MBASE tokens will initially be in the BEP-20 format and will later support transactions both on the BSC and Ethereum network. In the future, we will move to cross-chain and other networks and the MBase token will become multi-chain token bridged with other blockchains.

According to the plans of the Marsbase team, a total of 6,000,000,000 MBASE tokens will be issued. They will be distributed as follows:

Investment fund — 49.93% (~2.7 billion MBase)

  • Whale Token Sale (Seed) round — 20.83% (1 250 000 000 MBase)
  • KOL’s (Private) Round — 5.56% (333 333 333 MBase)
  • Community round (early birds) — 1.04% (62 500 000 MBase)
  • Public Round (IDO) 5.0% — (300 000 000 MBase)
  • Reserve for strategic investments — 17.5% (1 050 000 000 MBase)

Team and advisors — 14.7% (850 000 000 MBase)

  • Team — 10.83% (650 000 000 MBase)
  • Advisors and bloggers — 2.5% (150 000 000 MBase)
  • Partnerships — 0.83% (50 000 000 MBase)

MBase vesting — 4.17% (250 000 000 MBase)

  • Time machine pool— 2.5% (150 000 000 MBase)
  • Light speed pool — 0.83% (50 000 000 MBase)
  • Other vesting mechanics— 0.83% (50 000 000 MBase)

Incentivize — 15.07% (~1 billion MBase)

  • Rewards for personal farming and MBase staking —
    4,08% (245 000 000 MBase)
  • Rewards for team farming — 1,99% (119 166 667 MBase)
  • Multi reward pool— 1,17% (70 000 000 MBase)
  • Referral program and offer link rewards — 1,67% (100 000 000 MBase)
  • Reputation program — 0,83% (50 000 000 MBase)
  • Airdrops and promos — 0,17% (10 000 000 MBase)
  • NFT and other rewards — 5,17% (310 000 000 MBase)

Reserve Fund — 16.67% (1 000 000 000 MBase)

  • Ecosystem Functioning and Growth — 3,33% (200 000 000 MBase)
  • Blocked liquidity —5,0% (300 000 000 MBase)
  • Reserves (SAFU) — 8,33% (500 000 000 MBase)


The mechanics of issuing tokens to the market will be classic: first the Whale Token Sale as the first presale round, then KOL’s (private) round, a community round and after that a public round (IDO).

Whale Token Sale and KOL’s rounds are intended for crypto VC funds and large private investors.

A special NFT collection will be released for those investors, which will provide unique advantages and opportunities on the OTC desk.

To get into each Presale round, you must submit an application in a special form.

The purchase before the IDO can only be made by signing SAFT document. Transferring MBase tokens will be via NFT wrapping.

Round 1. Whale Token Sale

The distribution of the Whale Token Sale allocation is available to VC and strategic investors who contribute a significant amount of capital to Marsbase. In addition, they receive NFTs which provide additional income from the referral program.

Percentage of total token supply: 20.83%
Number of tokens: 1 250 000 000 MBase
Full block (Cliff): 5 months
Vesting period: 24 months
Unlock: linear, daily
Full unlock: 29 months
Round price: $0.002
Approximate capitalization: $2,500,000

Round 2. KOL’s (Private) Round
Bloggers and influencers, some participants of the Ambassador program, as well as that part of large investors who for some reason did not make it to the seed round will be able to take part in the private round.

Percentage of total token supply: 5.56%
Number of tokens: 333,333,333 MBase
Full block (Cliff): 3 months
Vesting period: 18 months
Unlock: linear, daily
Full unlock: 21 month
Round price: $0.003
Approximate capitalization: $1 000 000

Round 3. Community round
This round is for early adopters of Marsbase, testnet winners, and active mainnet traders.

Percentage of total token supply: 1.04%
Number of tokens: 62,500,000 MBase
Full block (Cliff): none
Vesting period: 12 months
Unlock: linear, daily
Full unlock: 12 months
Round price: $0.004
Approximate capitalization: $250,000

Round 4. Public round (IDO)
The public sale will begin in August 2022. We will definitely notify users about the precise dates in official Telegram channels and other social media.

A public sale will be for anyone who wants to take part in it. It is planned to launch MBase on Sushiswap (MBase tokens on Binance SmartChain BEP-20 format).

Percentage of total token supply: 0,83%
Number of tokens: 50,000,000 MBase
Full block (Cliff): none
Vesting period: none
Round price: $0.006
Approximate capitalization: $300,000

Activity Incentive
These tokens will be used to incentivize the Marsbase community to create, use and share content that benefits the entire dOTC platform ecosystem.
Numerous promotional activities, airdrops, quizzes and rewards for helping the community are yet to be launched for Marsbase users.

In addition, this pool includes rewards for participants in the referral program, loyalty program, as well as for those who are going to farm MBase using staking.

Reserve fund
There is also a separate fund for the functioning of the OTC desk, the growth and development of the platform.

This includes tokens that provide sufficient liquidity for cross-chain operation, as well as a reserve that can be used in the future to additionally fund other initiatives focused on market trends.

Team and advisers
For the team of Marsbase, as well as partners who help develop the project, a separate fund has also been allocated. All tokens in this stake will be locked for 3 months and vested for 2 years.

MBase and Vesting

We plan to enable MBase investors to trade their tokens received at pre-sales before unlocking, without affecting their market value.

The SAFT protocol will transfer ownership of NFT wrapped tokens after purchase. In the future, the investor will be able to transfer these rights from one wallet to another, indicating the unlock period, for example, 3, 6 or 12 months. The transferor himself will remain with the amount of USDT that both parties agreed on, and after unlocking, the overbought tokens will need to be presented to the protocol and they will be received in a 1: 1 ratio. At the same time, the number of resales is not limited or regulated.

More about MBase NFT vesting will be in our upcoming articles.

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